Featured Consultation and Advisory Services –

  • Evaluating, enhancing, and developing robust security programs
    • Incident response planning, vulnerability assessment, patching, encryption, identity and access management (IAM), and more.
  • Analyzing and enhancing security controls.
  • Assist you in protecting your data in all environments (on-premises, hybrid, and the cloud).
  • Providing strategies to reduce risk based on your business and budget.
  • Retainer services; Save money and keep all your security up to date.

Regardless of size, location, or industry, companies are increasingly becoming aware of the mounting risk of cyber attacks posed by cybercriminals due to breaches that are making the news headlines. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that damages caused by cybercrimes will cost 6 trillion American dollars by 2021.

While aware of cyber risks, many companies, especially small and medium businesses, find it costly to hire internal staff to advise, plan, defend, and test their security posture. Some companies ignore the risks or rely on limited staff with little to no expertise in all areas of Information Security. Other firms use a hybrid model by hiring a third party to assist their internal staff or partner with Information Security security companies. Undoubtedly, the hybrid and partnership models are the best models to ensure the highest level of security.

While providing the best expertise and highest level of security, the hybrid and partnership models are found to be more cost-effective to businesses.

At Euclid Security, we understand how important it is to keep your business safe. Our consultation and advisory services will assist your business in planning, designing, and implementing the best solutions that meet your business security needs. Our engineers will work with you as dedicated team members to give you and your clients peace of mind to meet industry best practices, compliance needs, and, most importantly, a high-security posture.

Contact us today for a free consultation and to learn more about our retainers and consultation & advisory services.